What You Can Expect
Here's what I love. I love to skip the awkward, weird phase and jump right into the part where you feel truly seen. Being seen can be super vulnerable, especially when the person who sees you has a camera in their hand. It's my job to make our time together feel chill and free from any pressure, Speaking of pressure. Let's talk about your goals. Now is the time to let go of any expectations, especially if you have a few little ones or some family members who aren't sharing in all of your excitement for our session. To start, I can assure you that my camera's shutter speed is totally faster than your toddler. Most of our time together will focus on the candid engagements with an emphasis on connection. These moments don't always require you to stand still or smile in my direction. Rather, we privilege the importance of feeling at ease and open to being your most genuine self. The therapist in me lives and breathes for these moment, These moments are rooted in the letting go of expectations and stepping into a place of spontaneity. Lets bask in the golden hours of sunset (or sunrise) together and illustrate rich, authentic moments frozen in time. I look forward to our time together.